/* * This theme styles the visual editor to resemble the theme style, * specifically font, colors, icons, and column width. */ //The Widgetization Code (sidebar, under adsense) if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') ) { register_sidebar(array('name'=>'Right Sidebar','before_widget' => '
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At Manit Farm, we truly believe that good strain equals profitability of the farmer. Therefore, we have put together our efforts to do research and seek for certain attribute that meets the need of our farmers in various conditions, and set it as our work target in our comprehensive genetics development program.


At Manit Farm, we truly believe that good strain equals profitability of the farmer. Therefore, we have put together our efforts to do research and seek for certain attribute that meets the need of our farmers in various conditions, and set it as our work target in our comprehensive genetics development program.

Manit Farm, in collaboration with Lee Pattana PLC, formulates a special feed for SuperBlack and SuperRed tilapia fry to optimize the growth at each stage of fry.


Manit Farm, in collaboration with Lee Pattana PLC, formulates a special feed for SuperBlack and SuperRed tilapia fry to optimize the growth at each stage of fry.

More than 5 years that we have put all efforts in developing the strain for SuperBlack and SuperRed so that they possess the high survival rate, fast growth and create high profit for our customers.
